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I believe that the key to long term health is making small steps in the right direction consistently over time. Have you ever made big changes in a small space of time, be it with diet or exercise, only to fall back into old habits in the near future? That’s what I am here for.


I will help you create a new mind-set towards change and guide you to developing sustainable habits which can be carried with you throughout life, long after our relationship has ended.


What is unique about Incremental health is that I am fully aware that we do not live in an ideal world, we are bombarded with information on social media about the latest health and lifestyle advice saying that we all "must do this", or we "have to do that" for optimal health, but for many of us, the real world full of work commitments and family responsibilities means that many of the “must do” lifestyle recommendations seem just out of reach and non-compatible for our busy schedules.


Fear not, I am here to ensure you that no matter how busy or hectic your daily schedule seems to be, there’s an entire toolbox of options available to you to begin optimising your lifestyle and improving your health without compromising your usual responsibilities.

Have you ever been discouraged by seeing other people having success making certain changes and thinking that what they are doing doesn’t suit you or doesn’t look enjoyable? Not to worry, we get caught up in trying to mirror other people’s success but what works for them may not suit or work for you. I can guarantee you that by working together we will not only come up with a strategy to get you started on your health journey but also thoroughly enjoy it too!


When you think long in terms of health such as "I want to be mobile and healthy when I’m retired", instead of wanting to look a certain way in 6 weeks time, it relieves the pressures of chasing short term results and opens the door to enjoying the process and you’ll be pleasantly surprised how quickly you will actually achieve your health goals.


The good thing about Incremental Health Coaching is that while it is very health focused, many, if not all aspects of my coaching will spill over into other areas of your life such as personal and working life and positively impact relationships and business.

You will finally start to gravitate towards like-minded people and start surrounding yourself with people who help, encourage and challenge you to become a better version of yourself for your family and community.


Have you noticed that I use phrases such as “help you begin” and “get you started” on your health journey? I do this with a very clear purpose. My goal here isn’t to simply tell you what to do for a specified amount of time, I aim to pass on my skills and knowledge in such a way that once our relationship comes to an end, you are equipped with a solid foundational knowledge to firmly take your health into your own hands and be a guiding light for change in your family and friendship circles. I will plant the seeds of curiosity and growth firmly within you, and by using what you have learned during our time together, you may water these seeds and watch the health and wealth of your family grow for generations to come.

get in touch

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