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What is functional bLoodwork?


Do you feel like you're not operating at 100%?

Do you experience low energy and inconsistent or low mood?

Do you lack motivation and discipline?

Do you have trouble sleeping?

Are you fed up of seemingly random symptoms that come and go such as skin issues or digestive issues?

Do you react to certain types of food groups?

Do you feel like something isn't quite right with your health or your body? (Spoiler. trust your feelings, they're usually right)

Do you feel like you're going around in circles with the latest supplements and not getting anywhere?


Have you tried fad diets or programs, maybe even been to the doctors and feel like you haven't got the results you needed?

Or, are you just curious to find out what exactly is going on inside your body to inform you on making the right decisions for your health?


Then it's time to take a deep dive into exactly what's happening inside YOUR body and tailor a plan specifically to YOUR bio-individual needs.




Functional Bloodwork - It is possibly the single most beneficial thing you can do to improve your health.


By taking a deep dive into what's happening inside YOUR individual body, we are best informed on what actions to take or changes to implement to make you feel better, remove unwanted symptoms and get you towards living your best life.


Making changes without bloodwork is just guesswork, some seemingly healthy changes could actually be nudging you in the wrong direction. Sending you down the garden path and running in circles without ever getting to the root cause of what's really going on.


What does Functional bloodwork mean? 

The difference between Functional and "Conventional" bloodwork is simple, they both use the same testing methods, test for the same things but the difference is in how we interpret the results.


Conventional bloodwork compares your results to what is "average" across the population, and as we know much of the population today is far from healthy. Using this method you could have some markers that are higher or lower than what is healthy for you but they wouldn't get picked up because they fall within the "average" range. This means the root cause of your symptoms may go unnoticed and unaddressed.


In most cases, people don't have their bloods tested until they have already developed a serious health condition, therefore the "average" results your test will be compared to in the conventional system are of someone who is already sick. I know countless people who have been told their results are "normal" but when assessing their bloods I have found lots of markers that are far from what is normal for an active healthy person.


This is why I look at blood tests through the lens of HEALTH and not the lens of SICKNESS.


Functional bloodwork on the other hand, uses much narrower ranges based on what is truly healthy for YOU based on your age, sex and other factors. This method will highlight things that may be slightly out of range much earlier and allow you to correct accordingly before it becomes a serious problem further down the line.


Vitamin D is a great example - If your result was 100nmol/L. The conventional range for Vitamin D is between 50 and 125 nmol/L, but recent research has shown that for OPTIMAL health, levels should be between 175 and 225 nmol/L. Low Vitamin D is extremely common in our society, with most peoples levels being below what they actually need to be in optimal health. This means if a conventional doctor was interpreting your results they would say your levels are "normal" and there's nothing to worry about. When in fact, your levels are below what is needed for your body to optimally carry out its functions which could lead to unwanted symptoms and health issues if left unrecognised.


This is what happens when your results are compared to the "average" person and not compared to what is optimal for you to live a healthy happy life.


With my functional bloodwork analysis there is no blanket approach, no standardised diet or supplement regime for all clients. You will get an entirely individual program purpose built for you based on your individual biology at that time.


What can Functional bloodwork find out about you?


  • ​Hormone imbalances

  • ​Energy/Mood issues​​

  • Vitamin/Mineral levels

  • Cardiovascular health

  • Gut/Digestive health

  • Liver health/Detoxification

  • Thyroid health

  • Skin Issues such as Eczema etc


How do I get my Blood analysed?


Anyone can go online, order and pay for a blood test for themselves, its actually super easy, BUT,


I highly recommend working with a functional health coach if you want to get your blood tested, for the reasons outlined above, and for someone to talk you through the results and guide you in the right direction of change. there's not much point in paying for the information a blood test will give you if you aren't able to use that information to make improvements.


There are 2 options for working with me when it comes to getting your blood tests analysed.


Option 1 (preferred): Sign up for the 3 month in depth coaching program. (See more details here)


By doing this we can build a deep understanding of your current life and health situation with the in depth health assessment, and work as a team to put an actionable plan in place to get you the results you desire and drive you towards your goals. We will analyse your bloodwork and use the results to really specify the course of action to your individual needs. You will receive constant support throughout with weekly check-ins to review your progress and make any changes to the program we need to. You will also be invited to join my private community of clients where you can share your journey with like minded people, support each other and make friends that last a lifetime.


Option 2: Book my one-off Functional bloodwork consultation.


For this option, I will recommend a test for you to get your bloodwork tested (Price of blood test kit not included in consultation fee). Once I have your results, I will take my time to analyse them thoroughly. I will then invite you to book a one-off 45 minute consultation call so that we can discuss your results and put a plan of action together for you moving forward so that you are clear on what you need to do to improve your results. There is no ongoing support for this option unless you decide to book another one-off consultation call.


I highly recommend booking a second call after 3 months to re-test your bloodwork to confirm that the suggestions we made have moved you in the right direction.


Why trust me?


I have several years experience interpreting bloodwork results and applying lifestyle changes to correct any markers which are out of functional range and could be causing minor or major health issues. As well as my own experience, I am part of an institute of health coaches with over 150 active members from all around the world, who specialise in every area of health and the human body. The founder, and his team of experts have over 50 years experience between them travelling the world teaching all things health and are specialists in functional bloodwork.


As a member of this institute, I have constant access to this diverse network of coaches who are always on hand to help out with interpreting my clients bloodwork if I need a second opinion or if they specialise in an area which I feel is relevant to your specific case. 


I also have the ability to present your case to the founder and his team of experts if there is anything within your results that I would like them to cast their eye over for me, or to see if they have any suggestions for me to build into your program to guarantee you the best chance of success possible.




Do you have some niggling health issues you'd like to overcome, some annoying symptoms that wont go away, or are you just curious about whats going on inside your body?

Book a FREE consultation call with me now to find out how Functional Bloodwork can help you on your journey to optimal health and wellbeing

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